The history of Santori began in 1960, when Gabriello Santori, the company’s founder, opened a small carpentry and furniture shop in the province of Lucca. The company, which initially specialised in antiques, with time and the changing market, has had the strength, thanks to the new generations, to grow and develop a more modern identity without losing its origins. Today, Santori represents a concrete reality in the territory with values that it has made its own: Made in ltaly, tradition and innovation, quality and
professionalism. Values on which it bases its brand research and on which it has developed its joinery.
Traditional knowledge that is reshaped, guided by the new insights of design: this is the plan that contaminates all our ideas. That’s not all: in order to always provide you with the ideal solution, we at Santori build each proposal around some essential cornerstones. We trust in the strength unleashed by Made in Italy, selecting the best brands on the market, we make quality our strong point. We are also inhabited by a deep-rooted tradition: that of the handmade. We design high-profile furniture, made to measure, according to requirements. Finally, we place strong emphasis on the sustainability of our production processes: our products are designed to last.

The philosophy that identifies us always starts with the search for quality: it is the indispensable condition for doing outstanding work. We stand by the utmost professionalism, at every stage. That is why we immediately welcome you so that you feel at home, aware of how empathy is an indispensable quality for the job we do. Having understood your needs, we guide you with our many years of knowledge in the field of furniture, guiding your choice and providing qualified assistance even in the after-sales phase. Because our best business card, after all, remains your complete satisfaction.

Crediamo nella collaborazione e nel lavoro di squadra, convinti che ogni persona sia un patrimonio di competenze, soluzioni e idee. Il nostro team è formato da diverse figure professionali. Abbiamo nel nostro organigramma interior designer, project manager, falegnami e montatori, i quali ti seguiranno in ogni fase del progetto.
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